Tactic Inc. Provides Real Solutions That Make a Hybrid Work Environment Function Efficiently

Faye Lavine
2 min readFeb 19, 2021


The pandemic forced organization to set up work-from-home arrangements for their employees by the pandemic. This gave employees more time with their family, less commuting costs, and kept them safe at the same time. Eventually, however, video fatigue set in and employees began missing the organic interactions that naturally occur in an office. Tactic, Inc. helps organizations set up a workable and highly efficient hybrid arrangement that maintains employee safety.

Many companies, if not all, have migrated to a remote work environment to keep employees safe while continuing their work. Companies that invested heavily in remote work and asynchronous communication tools have seen a remarkable improvement in productivity despite the challenging circumstances. Companies are also now realizing that with the right tools, it is possible to maintain a hybrid environment that unlocks the perks of both remote and office work.

This new arrangement, however, comes with several challenges that company owners need to consider. These challenges include ensuring the safety of employees as they return to the office, managing culture and collaboration between employees who work from home and in the office, and addressing the long-term implications of maintaining a physical office. Company executives must take into consideration spatial distribution that is compliant with safety protocols and leasing arrangements.

Tactic has the answers to the current dilemma organizations face as they consider their hybrid work arrangement long-term. It can facilitate the safe return of employees to the office by utilizing health questionnaires, contact tracing tools, and capacity management. Tactic can provide the solutions to guarantee a smooth transition without compromising the health and safety of the people coming in and out of the workplace. The company makes office management a walk in the park without the use of spreadsheets and self-managed systems.

The team behind Tactic came up with the idea to establish the business when they realized that employees have missed being at work and connecting with co-workers. Repeat video conferencing has also proven to be mentally exhausting. Naturally, going back to the normal grind of things in the workplace is still a risk, so the team devised solutions that will support the hybrid work arrangement.

Looking ahead, the team behind Tactic hopes to make the company a global brand and cater to the needs of various unique organizations when it comes to spatial management and everything else connected to it. Through the company’s real solutions, the team wants to help employees transition smoothly and seamlessly. Moreover, it hopes to reduce the pain points of many organizations as they attempt to thrive in the new normal.

Learn more about Tactic by visiting its website. Follow its Facebook and Instagram accounts for updates on its latest projects.



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