Relationship Coach Stephen L Robinson On Finding True Love With God

Faye Lavine
3 min readAug 7, 2020


He had his heartbroken after two long term relationships failed. With valuable lessons learned, God gave him the vision to revolutionize relationships for the better using biblical principles. Stephen L Robinson has since been on an active mission pursuing God’s heart and pursuing His design for relationships.

Before becoming a relationship coach, Stephen thought because he didn’t lie or cheat that made him a good man, but little did he know it took more than just not lying or cheating to be a good man. Because he didn’t lie or cheat, he never expected his relationships to be filled with pain and dishonesty. Stephen desired a long-lasting healthy relationship, but his own selfishness caused a division in the relationship. He ultimately caused the demise of both of his relationships.

For Stephen, he noticed that relationships nowadays seem to be just about Netflix and chill. Stephen made a quote about that, which attracted a lot of attention. The quote said, “Netflix & Chill -can lead to Chil-Dren.” During the dating phase, choose your dating locations wisely!

But after getting his heartbroken, the most valuable lesson he learned was that relationships should be more than just that. He looked around him and committed to an intention that relationships should be something that leads couples closer to Christ. This intention became a life-long mission of helping individuals and couples approach relationships God’s way.

“God’s will over anything, especially relationships. There’s no play by play map for relationships, but there are specific principles for relationships. God’s way of doing relationships is the best. Believe me on that,” he said.

Today, Stephen is the head Tribe Leader for the Love and Relationship Ministry at Transparency Church. He is also a public figure on Instagram in Christian relationships, providing relationship advice and services based on biblical principles that are revolutionizing relationships for the better.

What separates Stephen from the rest of the relationship coaches nowadays is his approach with love and relationships that are rooted in Christ and His Word. Most relationship coaches that exist today give advice just from their own experiences, from their own perspective of what is right or wrong, but Stephen is centered in God.

“I’m going straight to the one who made relationships, and that is God. I get my wisdom and knowledge from Him to show people how to have a successful relationship by doing it in God’s way. I’m revolutionizing relationships for the better using biblical principles,” Stephen explained.

Stephen is also publishing a book titled, T.R.U.S.T.I.N.G 8 Letters That Will Revolutionize Your Relationship. The book is scheduled to be available to the public on June 5th. Stephen believes that his new book will impact the world and improve his readers’ relationships through God’s will.

Aside from being a relationship coach and an author, Stephen is a speaker who has made his voice heard in other parts of the world and not just America. He speaks at events as a featured speaker. He has been featured on several podcasts where he has been able to share his knowledge and share the Word of God with crowds and listeners throughout the United States and other parts of the world.

When it comes to relationships, Stephen L Robinson puts his faith in action helping singles, couples, Christians, and even non-Christians find true love and anchor the foundation of their relationship with God.



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