How Benjamin Geller Aims to Put His Professional Experiences into Public Service
Knowing that the country is currently in great turmoil as people become more divided every day by different political ideologies, Dutchess County Legislature candidate Benjamin Geller believes that it is time for him to serve the public in a bigger picture.
Benjamin Geller is no stranger to a life dedicated to serving others. He is currently working as an emergency medical technician for an advanced life support agency. Benjamin also does clinic work in West Africa, while simultaneously assisting the Dutchess County health system in their vaccine site operations. After years of experiencing and knowing what Americans go through every day at ground level, Benjamin wants to use his knowledge and expertise to create a lasting impact.
With his slogan,” The People’s Voice,” Benjamin Geller aims to amplify the voices of those who have no avenues to speak for themselves. “The whole basis of me running is to continually serve the community I already serve, just in another modality. The bigger picture is that I am running to serve the people, not my own agenda,” said Benjamin. “I know what the needs of the people I seek to represent in New York. New Yorkers work hard. They are passionate; they are tough. They deserve to have their taxes lowered, have elected officials who have their best interests at heart, and officials who have a vision of the future. The mental health crisis in America is running rampant, and I want to join in the fight to combat that as well,” the candidate added.
Benjamin Geller aims to become the transparent, approachable, and accessible legislator the people need. He wants to establish the idea that politicians should work hand in hand closely with the people and abolish the distance between the public and elected public officials. Benjamin believes in the value of communication to create a better society for every American, and it starts by getting rid of the existing and outdated political culture.
“This country is divided and is suffering greatly. No matter what party you choose to represent, we are all Americans, and it’s time we rebuild our country, starting by caring about the people we are elected to serve,” shared Benjamin Geller. Especially in the age of social media, where people are constantly bombarded with ideologies from all sides of the spectrum, Benjamin stresses the importance of uniting people to become one and stay focused on one goal: creating a better America. By running for Dutchess County, Benjamin believes that he can start a revolution and start conversations that would bring healing to the country.
Although he is running for New Yorkers, Benjamin Geller emphasizes that he has the national picture in mind as he runs for office. Unlike many of his competitors, Benjamin does not think of himself as a politician but a public servant at heart who is doing his best to contribute as much impact as possible to his community and making the country a little better, one day at a time.
“I have devoted my life to public service. A wise physician I traveled to Africa with told me several years ago that we were meant to live extraordinary lives. I plan to do that. It would not surprise me if the opportunity came to run for Congress in 2026. No matter what I will be doing, I will be serving the people of New York with great honor,” said Benjamin Geller.
To learn more about Benjamin Geller, visit his website.