Dr. Charles Goldberg Providing Healthcare and Legal Representation for All
Charles Goldberg is a household name in the medical field. It has cemented his place at the top of his field thanks to years of credible professional practice, good service delivery, and the business he has established and successfully operated in the medical field. Charles is a physician with accolades that are too numerous to count. He currently teaches at some of the most prestigious schools globally, including the schools associated with Harvard Medical School. He runs a business called Prudent Medical Legal Consultants, LLC, which has three divisions: a medical law division, a healthcare facilitation, and a wellness coaching division that helps people live a happy and healthy life via proper nutrition and diet with scientific and physiological backing.
With a career stretching over a decade in the medical field, Charles’ business’s first division is a medical-legal assistance firm where he takes a scientific approach toward lawsuits and potential legal cases involving medical or scientific backing. His job description involves working with the attorneys and defendants to analyze the cases from a medical and scientific standpoint to support the case with evidence.
The second division, a healthcare facilitation firm, basically helps people navigate the rather complex healthcare system. For instance, if a patient gets diagnosed with cancer, it can be a stressful diagnosis, and these days, doctors are extremely busy. So chances are, they may misdiagnose or misprescribe drugs to the patients. In this case, Charles comes in. He talks to the patient, takes a record of their symptoms, looks over every prescription, and dive deep into the patient’s situation to help them formulate questions to ask their doctor. He also offers his treatment recommendation and advice and even speaks with their doctor one on one. Charles also offers his advice to these patients about the treatment that is best suited for them, helps them deal with psychological stressors, and sometimes even uses his extensive network of doctors and professionals to get proper and urgent help.
Finally, Charles also helps people live healthier and happier lives by building balanced nutritional and workout programs based on factual scientific concepts. He describes the mind as a critical element to living a healthy and happy life. And knowing how powerful it is to our well-being, he tries to help people understand from a neurological and psychological standpoint why their body acts and performs a certain way when it gets a certain amount of sleep, food, or physical exercise.
Charles attributes his motivation for building his brand to his desire to help in the complex healthcare industry. And in five years, he sees his company growing and in a position to help more people in every capacity possible.
Charles describes his target audience as “anyone interested in these spaces and searches for him to learn more.” He also pointed out that all his services come from his experience as a physician and his extensive pedigree of studies and teaching at prestigious universities worldwide.
The difference between Charles and his competition, according to him, is that he can analyze cases from a physician’s standpoint and can use his experience as a physician to formulate ideas, hypotheses, and evidence to use in the courtroom. According to him, being an actual expert is what stands him apart from the others. Charles wants readers to understand that people out there are willing to help out with medical and legal issues; these people possess more experience and are willing to help research the issues bothering them.